Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Sanctuary Cities And Its Effects On America Essay

Imagine you have a bowl of MM’s and you have the option to eat as many or as few as you want. However, for every 1,000 MM’s in the bowl there is one that is poisoned. Your odds are still good! Just pray you don’t get that one MM that can end your life. While most would use common sense and say that eating the MM’s are too risky, this game of life and death occurs when we allow illegal immigrants to stay in America. Sanctuary Cities are notorious for taking this risk and they have started seeing the result of eating the wrong MM. Sanctuary Cities first began to popup in the 1980’s, according to Congressional Digest, during a movement lead by local churches to create a sanctuary for people fleeing violence in Central America. â€Å"The logic behind sanctuary cities is that encouraging immigrants to work with police without fear of deportation helps authorities improve public safety.† (Congressional Digest pp.13) Despite the idea surrounding the creation of Sanctuary Cities they have become a threat to public safety. Sanctuary Cities have become a dangerous environment for criminals to take advantage of the good intentions of the American people. Sanctuary Cities have released criminals, placed restrictions on law enforcements, and have forced the creation of Kate’s law in order to protect American citizens from illegal immigrants. 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